Sunday, April 25, 2010

Dreadful Behaviour!

We here at WOP humbly apologise, there hasn't been any posts since February! What can we say? 'Bananas'. Oh and 'hampton'.
In other words, we have been rather busy with....ahem...real life commitments. But rest assured, normal business will be resolved very soon.....

I heard that Nev is planning something but he isn't letting on. He simply said ''It's going to be...something''.

As for the rest of the posse? Well, I'm afraid disarray has set in! Kevin Ketley was sent off to Malaga to report on the Tortilla Flinging Championships but has not checked in. Des Silverfish is looking at opening a used car lot in Bending, and even the other half of the WOP squad Babbington has announced that he would like to join the Mongolian Circus and their travelling fragrant monkeys.

So it's up to Nev to hold things together with his string vest!

Oh dear....

New posts coming soon Pooters (hopefully!)

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