Thursday, August 27, 2009

More finds in Deal!

It seems that the shopkeepers in Deal, Kent are keeping up their commitments to all things poot-worthy.... Just what are these dinosaurs up to on this packaging design for childrens' hankerchiefs?????

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Into The Family....Further!

As a special bonus exclusive what-not additional feature of the video 'Into The Family' here's your chance to see the bloopers, behind the scenes footage and all the other bits you weren't meant to see! Including some of the characters out of disguise....oh dear!

As ever, the best stuff usually is the bits that are cut out. When will we learn? When??

So sit back.....etc.....enjoy!

Warning: this video contains a strange smell under the sink that we can't seem to shift.

Pat: A further look into the life of Pat Onionring

Following on from his debut apprearance in the previous video 'Into The Family' Pat Onionring has a little spotlight of his own. Neville's cousin shows us his pets and his interesting DVD collection.

Welcome to the WOP family, Pat -you're rather Schpeschial!

Into The Family!

Introducing Pat Onionring - cousin of Neville Cheestring!

Nev got most tea-towel set about WOP'S latest 'Into The....' video. This was to be something quite personal for him - a chance to meet more of his family! Or at least the ones that will admit to being a relative of his.

In this one, we meet Pat Onionring, his computer expert cousin, who works for Sussex County Council.

So sit back and erect a makeshift woodpile - as we go into the family..........

Monday, August 10, 2009

Neville Cheestring Visits Deal

First our Nev' went to Wye station to see what electrically hauled gems were on offer, now he's in Deal! You can't keep him away from his official WOP train spotting duties. However, a truly unexpected find was to be had at the station. As he got closer to the station gates, his working eye widened in boyish delight. A collection of exquisite Pullman coaches were in the station, presumably part of a holiday special. It doesn't matter why they were there - Nev just ran to the platform and whipped out his camera to record this truly historic gem.

Neville said ''I just couldn't believe my luck! A lovely train of Pullman's in classic maroon and cream livery. Stuff of legend! It's just a pity some small person ran in to my closing shot as she was vanishing into the distance. A real pity. ''

Even More....!

It didn't end there either, although perhaps it should have. When Neville got back to home base, he found an old London Routemaster bus parked outside the railway station.

Neville stuttered ''Look at her, all on her own waiting for her next load of passengers. They will never come though, what is she doing out of London??! Sheer madness...and disorder. I don't like it. I can't help but feel sorry for her......''

Never mind, Neville....never mind.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Nev's Move Into Road Improvement Vehicle Spotting...

Recently, there was a bit of road re-surfacing taking place near Nev, so he popped down there and took these lovely images for WOP. He went with an open mind but came back feeling quite refreshed having done something a 'little different'.

''Trains are one thing - they are a supreme untouchable force, but I thought I'd take this rare chance to spot some lovely road working traffic for a change.'' He said. ''I didn't realise the amount of work needed to lay a new surface of road down, my good eye was opened!''

Nev was also relieved that he didn't get his 'asphalt' on this occasion.

''Look at her - tearing up the old surface with ease....''

''Lovely conveyor type rigging on her''

''It was getting dark and way past my bed time, but I stuck around for this moody shot. Lovely Hi Vis Clothing''.