Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Stay Pooted!

Regular Pooters may have noticed a slight pause in posts lately! However, very soon - there's going to be one heck of a load of new posts heading this way...so stay pooted!
The forces of Babbington and Lobster Mitch have united over the weekend to bring you some literally 'incredible' stuff. We do our best and more for WOP!
So watch this space........


Babbington said...

Oh yes... it was a veritable 'Poot-a-rama' of a weekend. Still, I'm sure the rash will clear up soon. Lol.

Now to process all that material we gathered...

Unknown said...

YAY I like new poots... but if I watch that same space, I will miss all of your other posts.. is it OK if I watch the spaces above that??

I kill me!

Babbington said...

Ah Dizz... such cutting wit! Lol.

Feel free to watch all spaces... just mind you don't tread on the cracks :)

P.S. Thanks for stalking us!

Unknown said...

My pleasure! You guys are a trip!

Lobster-Mitch said...

Hehe, glad you're liking our little bloggy thing Dizzblnd! As for us being a trip - you might possibly be right there. Then again, we might be the last people you'd like to meet if one was indeed ' on a trip'.