Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Neville buffs up!

After the runaway success of Into The Wild, our man Neville Cheestring has decided that he needs to build on his image. Obviously, we think he's fine just the way he is; after all, how can you improve on perfection, right?!
Still, Nev is having none of it.

On my visit to the gym today, I bumped into our self-proclaimed 'Wild Man of WOP'. Actually, truth be told, he bumped into me - true to form, of course.
Naturally, I was surprised to see him there - goodness knows the man can't even lift a bag of sugar with two hands! - so I asked just what he was playing at. His answer - "I think I may be a little bit lost".

Well, quite.

Still, I have to say, you're looking good there Nev - especially with the body bronzing! And thanks again for letting us publish this promo photo!

He also directed me to this wonderful footage of his prankster pal...

I don't know... You people!


SheBloggs said...

Oh Lord! What a meaty Neville! (haha)
The video was funny. I don't know what I would do if some guy was pootin' at the gym. You see how the people were disgusted at first then started crackin up? LOL


Anna Lefler said...

Right ON.

I, for one, like my Nevilles buffed and oiled.

~ A.

Lobster-Mitch said...

Yes, our Nev' likes to beef up now and again. Sadly he lets it all go on a diet of fishcakes and mothballs, so he's back to square one again within a week.
That fart machine is a classic! I think we should sell those at our WOP shop, at a discount to our loyal followers, naturally....

Unknown said...

Neville looks like a very very very very very distant cousin of the govenator! The video was hilarious.. they all thought they smelled something!