Well...over the weekend, me and fellow WOP fan Moggymogg ventured out into the streets of Deal in Kent to seek out possible poot material... Our search was highly rewarded with this collection of true gems. So sit back and pour yourself some trifle - enjoy!
One feels the urge to go out and buy an old turntable just to hear these classics.
Note: One has to point out the possibility of political incorrectness on the last cover! Still, they knew what they were doing.....
What you talking about? I found these little beauties stashed underneath your gramaphone!
That's right, just by my dictaphone!;)
Ah, 'Country Gentlemen Sound Off'! Just my cup of tea that! I particularly like the follow through, I mean follow on album 'Trumpeting by the Country Gentlemen'. Marvellous piece of work!
Well, we have to include something for the bumpkin don't we! Browse through any charity shop record collection, and no doubt you'll stumble upon something of a rural gem. :)
Incidentally, I hear there was a third follow up album ''Country Gentlemen Rock In Minehead'' An absolute must have!
Rural Gem - she was quite notorious, so I gather...
Does Mr Babbington have anything to admit about Trcking greats?
Good lord, Sir! You remember that prize item? Well, of course you do - it was a classic! Nay, still is a classic - for it survives to this day in my own personal musical library.
Then it would be a crime, nay - a crime not to share that one with our fellow pooters lol...
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