Sunday, July 13, 2008

The World Of Poot's Guide To Rude Signs. This week: Hereford

Well, I have spent the past weekend up in Herefordshire, and upon my stumbling about the place, I was lucky to snap these gems. Perhaps this might become a regular feature, who knows!

But perhaps the clear winner is......

It's all out there readers, so we hope we've inspired you to do a bit of Rude Sign Spotting!


Babbington said...

Some good finds there, my friend. So tell me - did you 'happen upon' them, or did you go searching all over the countryside with your chums?

Either way, one is rather impressed by you commitment to The Poot (answers on a postcard as to just which one, mind!)

Lobster-Mitch said...

Ah, well - we were just very lucky to stumble upon such gems! The 'Three Cocks' village was incredibly lucky to find as we we going back to Hereford a different way.
(C) anal Road was just scary, I didn't hang about there just in case...